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The beauty of wood as a natural building material reaches a new level with the technology of cross-glued wood. Rezult is proud to be the first to bring CLT technology to the Ukrainian market. Since cross-glued wood panel construction is a 21st century trend, it is important to know that it is a fireproof material that is highly resistant to open flames.

Testing of CLT panels has shown that this material meets fire safety standards, but also significantly exceeds them. Cross-laminated wood provides internal fire resistance by insulating the inner layers. When the panels are exposed to open fire, the top layer forms a protective charred coating. Due to the cross-glued technology, the upper charred layer does not allow access of oxygen further, which slows down the combustion process (0.8 mm per minute).

Therefore, CLT is not just an aesthetically pleasing material, it is a unique, functional material that has proven its resistance to open flames.


